Tuesday, July 12, 2011

First Post!!

Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all.---HARRIET VAN HORNE.

I find this quote very true and that is why i started this blog to share some of my simple recipes and easy to cook meals.

Hi, I'm Jane from the Philippines, I'm not a chef, I don't have any formal training about cooking, but what  i have  is my passion on cooking. I love watching cooking shows,(food network, Asian Food Channel) even cooking reality shows (Master Chef,Top Chef,Hell's Kitchen and even the classic Iron Chef) because of that it helps me to learn and appreciate the art of cooking and of course I love to eat!

Armed with my Sony Camera and my passion for cooking (and hopefully a lot of creative writing). I hope you will enjoy the many simple recipes and easy to cook meals from this humble author.

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